So, I've been a bit too busy keeping my actual laundry going... but here's a an attempt to start blogging again!
This is the first year the boys have actually asked for something for their birthdays. Isaac saw a trumpet at a show and tell last year at preschool and has been asking for one ever since... as of a month or so ago, Elijah wants an elephant. It just occurred to me a bit ago that Elijah might actually think it is possible to have a real elephant. I had to break it to him the other night that he can't have a real one. "A small one?" he asked hopefully. I shook my head, "No, they have to live in a zoo or another country." He looked disheartened. I did my best to find a decent elephant replica that he could play with and a good little toy trumpet for Isaac. It really is fun to give children what they ask for, you hope you see this incredible joy and satisfaction. And hopefully even though the elephant isn't real, Elijah will be pleased. It makes me think of God and how He loves to see His children happy as well. Sometimes we ask Him for elephants, I'm sure, but He always knows what's best.