Friday, January 27, 2012

Teething & smelly blankets

It's amazing to me how much easier it is to get up in the morning, even at an early hour (4:45am), when you've had a solid night of sleep, than it is to get up a little later (6am) after you've had a choppy night's sleep with a teething baby. Last night Abrielle woke up screaming at 3am. I'm usually the type to let a crying baby cry it out a while, but not when the crying is this intense. The poor thing just cut three teeth a week and a half ago, and now has two more coming through. That's gotta hurt. So, the entire process of getting up, trying to find her baby meds and teething pellets, calming her down, reluctantly nursing her (not a good idea to do for babies who already sleep through the night), stroking her little head to calm her, finally calming her, walking back to the bedroom, realizing I need to go to the bathroom, getting back between the sheets, and then re-entering the dream world took approximately 45min.

Needless to say, I was emotionally very sad this morning when I made my bed.
"See you later, comfy bed."

Speaking of bedsheets, I think it's time to wash some sheets in this house, and some certain "kets" as Elijah calls them. You know it's time when you're kissing your darlings head and a funny smell wafts up from their precious blanket.

I'd like to start some discussion on here, so if you have the time: How do you keep your laundry going? Is there a method to your daily, weekly, monthly routines? Do tell!


  1. Love the blog Amber!!! I feel you on the overload of laundry. I can't ever keep up with all 3 of my kids plus the hubby's. Mine is usually the last one to get done. Haha. I try by doing 2 loads a day, includes washing, drying & putting it all away! That's the biggest struggle for me.

  2. Amber! This blog is fantastic :) and I love reading about your super mom self! Currently our laundry routine consists of dragging it all on Sunday afternoons to either in-laws home.....and this has been our lot in life for the last 4 years.....oh how I miss our washer and dryer! (they presently sit in Tim and Jan's garage as we wait for the day we can use them again). However- when we lived in North Carolina, I would wash a load in the morning right when I got up, and by the time I finished getting ready it could be transferred in the dryer. Then, when I got home from work I would start another load (if need be) and start dinner. Once dinner was completed I transferred it to the dryer! Folding time happened around 9pm or so.....

  3. haha yeah who knew that ONE baby creates a load of laundry by himself every other day. i'm hoping the constant spitting up phase is over soon! :) i try to get ONE load in and out of the washer and dryer everyday, and it generally keeps it under control, plus then i feel productive.

  4. oh how I need a method.....I hate laundry. I dont mind actually washing and transfering, its the folding and putting away...ugh! I may or may be known to have several "clean" loads sitting in laundry baskets, its pretty pitiful actually. So yea, um dont follow my routine ;-)

  5. Thanks for your comments everyone! My current method which is working out pretty well, is to never put any clothes in the hampers in our bedrooms. I throw the pjs in a corner while I'm changing the kids, then move them to the laundry room. Same with mine and Ben's. And I do the same thing at the end of the day. So far, this means a full load in the morning and a full load in the evening. My mother in law helped me catch up on laundry when she was here over Christmas and since then, I've been almost anal about making sure the laundry is done consistently (we didn't do it for a few days and the consequences were piles of laundry for days!) MOST of our clothes I just wash in cold water and they all go together, except for the few delicates I have or things I know will bleed, and those are thrown in another pile. When I'm done with a load, I try to fold it same day, usually during a kids show so the kids aren't as likely to undo all my folding. I try to put them away at the same time, but sometimes it's harder than others depending on what's going on around me. If I can put it directly from it's folded pile into a drawer, I have much more success completing the task... putting it into the laundry basket and leaving it there for days has happened many times, and I'm really trying to avoid that! If I do use a basket (like I did tonight so as not to disturb the kids while they sleep) I will try to make it a priority during breakfast when they are strapped in to their seats, or when they watch a show in the morning. (yep, "movies" our routine in this house, but if they weren't I'm not sure how I would get anything done!)
