Thursday, February 16, 2012

If there was a MasterCard commercial of my past few days: 

finding poop in the laundry basket - 15 minutes of frustration and changing both boys

intercepting helpful 2-year-old emptying the bread bag - 20 seconds to place the bread back in the bag

milk cup spilled on kitchen floor - 2 minutes to clean (don't worry, no one cried over this spilled milk)

pants and shirts all out on the floor again - 30 minutes to refold

juice cup spilled in the dining room - 1 minute 33 seconds to clean

major double tantrum - 20 minutes of what-in-the-world-am-I-supposed-to-do

sitting on sister - 2 seconds to say "Get off of her!"

taking over an hour to fall asleep at nap time - 70 minutes scratching a back

toddler screaming at 11:27pm - 20 minutes to calm him and give him some "blue juice"

another toddler screaming at 3:15am -  3 minutes to take down the double gate, pull the screaming toddler's blanket out from under sound-asleep brother and put up the top gate again.

Spending time with the kids, jumping in rain puddles, and then later lying on a blanket on the lawn reading books, scratching backs and cuddling under the sun - PRICELESS!

It has been a full week. I'm sure I could add a couple more things, but it's too early and I haven't been able to retain as much in my mommy brain as I once could.

Mom, if you're reading this - thank you for your help, encouragement, prayers, patience, and availability to watch the kids. The hazelnut coffee was so thoughtful yesterday. I love you!

Keep the laundry going, everyone. Keep the laundry going!

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